Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kids love!

First 3 weeks of my job were merely assisting the teachers of the 3 levels. I familiarized myself the routines of the school, the various behavior and the learning styles of the kids. And I also observed the different strategies used by the teachers.

Thanks God again that I was wrong with my first impression to our school principal. True, she has this somewhat authoritarian aura but when you get to know her better she is actually cool. She kept planting in me ideas and information in handling kids and giving me assurance that I will be doing just fine.

Came the time when I was requested to man the Morning Glory Class (ages 3-4) for 2 weeks. I was told by the principal that I will be observed not only by her but also the director who happens to be her husband. “ It’s show time.” I said to myself a bit confident that it will just be a smooth sailing because in my class observation so far the kids were great.
However I was totally wide of the mark. The first day seemed to be an endless calling of the kids’ attention. Some didn’t bother to clean up their toys even if I said many times, some continued to giggle, play and talk even I was discussing, some just suddenly cried because a friend hit her/him or he/she spilled water or food on the floor and some were outside the classroom running in the hall even the class was ongoing and some were in love with me as they just wanted to play the whole day. Whhaaaaaaaa!! I asked my co-teacher how it happened when they were not that hyper active when I observed them. She said with a wink “They love to play and challenge with a new teacher.”

Four hours of being a kindergarten teacher was a very long day for me.
I arrived home so weedy to prepare for dinner. I just grabbed a sandwich from 7-eleven then I slept like a log.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more patience gurl