Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gloria tagged me

Here are the rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.You’ll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged.

Gloria dear how sweet of you to tag me though you’re giving me slight headache because I’m not used to telling stuff about me. I normally let you guys discover my “dark sides” lol. Anyways, for the sake of those who don’t have time to discover…

1. I love anything cold, sweet and creamy: parfait, sundae, crazy crepe name it. (no wonder why my friends who are trying to lose weight are avoiding me lol)

2. I am not choosy when it comes to food but damn this GERD( acid reflux illness) made me no choice but to choose. ( God, I miss eating spicy food)

3. I started reading horror “komiks” magazine at age 5 and I’m a fan of Stephen King always gives me a chill but watching horror movies doesn't scare me at all. ( don't know why)

4. My childhood dream was to become a nun, my fantasy is to be a fashion model and my greatest desire is to travel outer space.

5. I don’t comb my hair when I’m just inside the house, yep even after shower just dry it with towel and I'm done.
(gross hahaha)

6. I want like any lady wants, I wear like any lady wears, but I don’t speak and act like any lady does. When I’m mad I’d prefer to punch rather than pointing finger and saying blah, blah, when I’m inside the taxi I’d prefer to talk with the driver some "guy stuff" rather than retouching my make up, stuff like that. (I have collection of make up though "wink")

7. Some people said Aquarians are eccentric and some of my friends are getting to realize I am really an Aquarian. ( but I hope their connotation of eccentric is not negative )

Tagging :




Carlos -http://papaxicolates.blogspot.com/


* only 5 people sorry I break one rule hehe

1 comment:

I AM A BLOGGER said...

haha, u also got tagged. Next time, I sure tag u.